Why Do Turtles Stack On Top Of Each Other?

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Why Do Turtles Stack

Turtles are opportunistic creatures and will take advantage of any situation to get the best basking spot.

One of the most interesting things about turtles is that they often stack on top of each other. Why do they do this?

When turtles are unable to find a good basking location, they will stack on top of each other at most times. By stacking on top of each other, they can produce more heat and have better access to UV rays from the sun. This is a team effort, so turtles will get body heat from each other.

There are a few other reasons why turtles stack. One of which is that they try to stack together to appear more intimidating towards predators. Another possibility is that they do it for social reasons, such as communicating with one another.

No matter the reason, it’s still a fascinating behavior to observe in turtles!

The Stacking Process

The Stacking Process

Let’s try and think this logically first of all. Most of the semi-aquatic turtles are heavy baskers and will probably try and find the best spot to be able to do so.

A turtle’s ideal basking spot is an area that is close to water, lacks shade, is safe for them, and receives a lot of sunlight. The sun will move throughout the day, therefore altering the turtles’ optimal basking location.

When a turtle finds the perfect spot, others will follow, and eventually, you will see a big ol’ turtle stack.

The first round of turtles that will be at the basking spot will be the hottest, so it will make sense for the rest of the turtles that will join to stack on each other.

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The Actual Reason Of Turtle Stacking

Turtles like all reptiles will raise their body temperatures in order to increase their metabolism by moving to different areas of their surroundings.

This can be done through radiation, convection, evaporation of body fluids, and conduction.

What interests us when we ask ourselves why do turtles stack on top of each other is conduction heating.

Conduction is the transfer of heat within an object (in our case the turtles that are already heated) or between two objects that are touching. Meaning that a turtle will choose to stay on a spot that is already hot like a rock or wood log in order to get the heat needed.

The Actual Reason Of Turtle Stacking

Now that we know how they find each other, let’s talk about how they physically stack on top of one another.

Surprisingly or not turtles are great climbers because of their long claws. The nails help them grab onto surfaces, so they can pull themselves up.

This is a beneficial trait for them because it also helps them climb out of the water and onto their basking spots.

As we talked about earlier, the first turtles on the basking spot are usually the hottest, so the ones that are joining them will try and find a way to climb on top of them.

The lead turtle will be the one that is on the top and it will act as a shield from the sun’s heat. The turtles that are below it will get less exposure to the sun but will still get the beneficial heat transferred from the turtle on top.

There is always a risk of predators attacking the stack, so the turtles are constantly vigilant, and if one of the senses danger, it will quickly dive into the water, which will cause the whole stack to fall apart.

RELATED READ: Best Basking Lights for Turtles

Why Are My Pet Turtles Stacking?

Why Are My Pet Turtles Stacking

If you are a turtle owner and have more than one turtle, then you might be wondering why your turtles are stacking.

Here are a few reasons why your pet turtles are stacking on top of each other:

  • The basking area is too small. If the basking area is too small, then your turtles will have to compete for the best spot. This can lead to them stacking on top of each other.
  • Some parts of the basking are wet and they will try and be at the driest spot possible.
  • Your heating light might not cover all the basking area. There are different types of light bulbs that can either concentrate the heat in one area or distribute it evenly.
  • If your light is not distributing the heat evenly, then your turtles will try and be at the warmest spot which will most likely be near the light bulb.

RELATED READ: How Strong Is A Turtle Shell?

Should I Do Anything If My Turtles Are Stacking?

You can, first of all, provide a bigger basking area, so they don’t have to compete for the best spot.

You can also buy a light bulb that will distribute the heat evenly. This way, your turtles will have a choice of different spots to bask in.

Last but not least, you should always be careful that if they stack they won’t be able to escape your turtle tank or fall and hurt themselves.

If you provide a big enough basking area, your turtles will most likely not stack on top of each other.

RELATED READ: The Best UVB Lights For Turtles

Other Possible Reasons Why Turtles Stack

There are other reasons why your turtles might be stacked on top of each other that we haven’t mentioned yet.

For example, if the water is too cold, then your turtles will stack on top of each other to try and get warm.

If the water is too dirty, then your turtles will also try and get out of the water and onto a dry spot.

Your turtles might also be stacked because they are mating. During the mating season, the males will try and get on top of the females to fertilize their eggs.

Why Do Turtles Tap Each Other In The Face?

Turtles will also tap each other in the face as a way of mating.

The males will try and get the attention of the females by gently tapping them on the face. If the female is interested, she will let the male climb on top of her.

If the female is not interested, she will quickly dive into the water and the male will lose interest.

RELATED READ: How to Make Tap Water Safe for Turtles?


If you are a turtle owner, then you might be wondering why your turtles stack on top of each other. It’s important to know that all reptiles will try and raise their body temperature by moving to different areas.

The reason why turtles stack is because they are trying to find the best basking spot possible.

The lead turtle will be the one on the top and it will act as a shield from the sun’s heat. The turtles that are below it will get less exposure to the sun but they will still get heat through convection heating.